Grace Cafe Community Meal and Fellowship

Sunday evenings at 5:30pm the congregation in collaboration with its non-profit, The Center – Philadelphia, provides hospitality and hot to-go meals. Volunteers assist church and Center staff to provide a hot, home-cooked meal, wellness services and a warm welcome and spiritual support. All activity is currently outdoors in order to provide a healthy context until Covid-19 is under better control. To learn more about Grace Cafe and how you can support this ministry, please contact

Sunday Worship

Currently we are worshipping virtually using the Zoom format but with the occasional outdoor service on the sidewalk outside of the church. Please go to the home page and subscribe to our email messaging service to get daily messages and announcements. Join us for virtual worship by using this Zoom Link:

Sunday Morning Worship (11 AM)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 5931 4966
Passcode: 062935

Parking Options (when you visit in-person)

  1. We have been granted permission for parking on the south side of Arch street between 13th and Broad Streets. This includes the parking spaces between 13th and Juniper that are reserved for official vehicles during the week. In addition, we have permission to park on the east side of Broad Street between Cuthbert and Arch Streets. Parking in front of the Masonic Temple is permitted unless we are given notice by the Masonic Temple that they need the spaces.
  2. Parking permission placards must be requested from the person staffing the Chapel Office and displayed in the windshield of your vehicle. You must obey all parking regulations. Do not park in front of fire hydrants, driveways or handicap spaces (unless you have a handicap placard).


  1. Another option for parking is the Philadelphia Parking Authority lot on 15th Street between Cherry and Arch Streets. The entrance to the lot is on the right side and goes under the Family Court Building. Parking here is not free but is discounted to the rate of $8 for all day. Request a parking voucher from the person staffing the Chapel Office. Please be prepared to pay $8 for the voucher.

ASUMC is easily reached by public transportation and I encourage you to use that option if appropriate for you. Regardless of how you get here, once you are here, you will be welcomed and loved.

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Mar 30 2025


5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Arch Street United Methodist Church
55 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19107


Rev. Robin Hynicka